In a healthy relationship, things just tend to feel right. Sure, there may be a few bumps and problems along the path but things work themselves out eventually. Toxic relationships however, are another story. They are dangerous and concerning, and it actually might be harder to see the red flags if someone is in a toxic relationship. This becomes especially true when we focus on adolescents. Regardless of whether or not you approve of teenagers dating, reality is that a lot of us do. Owing to our inexperience, we may overlook a few(or many) red flags.
Here’s a list to watch out for.
- In a toxic relationship, your significant other forgets that making mistakes is human and they might try to catch you messing up ‘red-handed’ and questions and statements start feeling like traps. This exposé often does not lead to forgiveness and it might feel as if they are doing it just to bask in the glory of catching you.
- Communication is almost stagnant; you may find yourself not voicing what you want and need as your attempts at conversing usually results in a fight, empty promises and baseless accusations.
- You find that you do most of the work – you are the one adjusting, compromising and sacrificing. Understand that it does not matter how hard you try – things will not get better with your toxic significant other if effort is one-sided.
- You start to have to deal with passive-aggressiveness, a subtle and cowardly way for a toxic significant other to establish or gain control. This leads to issues not being addressed directly, often masked with another unpleasant emotion, such as anger disguised as aloofness or manipulation disguised as consent.
- In a toxic relationship, issues rarely get addressed and problems are rarely ever resolved. Conflicts are always overlooked, disregarded or brushed under the carpet. False, empty promises and artificial reassurance are often used as tools to cover up the deep cracks of trauma and resentment.
- Besides this, if you start to drown in the sense that your partner is the reason for your degrees; for example, all the fighting is leading to your grades going down or they command so much of your attention that you cut back on the time you spend practicing your hobbies; then that would be your sign to reevaluate whether this relationship is the one for you.
Virtually Yours,
People of Nora ♡