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The Pixar animation Coco is a heartwarming movie for all ages that perfectly depicts the nuances of dementia and how one might connect with someone suffering from it. Mama Coco and Miguel’s wholesome relationship made us wonder how else to support our elderly; apart from music which experts say may help reanimate memories often. Here’s what we found:

  1. When communicating, try and keep in mind that your attitude and body language will be more effective in getting something across than your words, hence focus on being positive while also  as many distractioremovingns as possible to keep the person’s attention.
  2. Use simple, short sentences and break down activities that might seem daunting into easily achievable steps.
  3. Avoid bringing up subjects that rely on short term memory like asking them if they remember what they just read in the newspaper. Instead talk to them about old memories that happened in the distant past like what their childhood was like. This is soothing for many. 
  4. Figure out non-strenuous physical activities that they like doing and encourage them to do it with you. Work with them to explore stimulating hobbies that bring them joy. Include them in simple chores that you do like folding laundry. Also pay attention to what comforts them and introduce as much of it in their surroundings. 
  5. Lastly, be patient, gentle and affectionate. Love them and yourself a little more on their difficult days. The small things go a long way and we’re proud of you for helping to the best of your capacity. 

Virtually Yours,
People of Nora ♡